Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Sweet Like a Crow

Your smile looks like a cow being shoved
into a slaughter house
like somebody who heard the funnest joke
like a fish swimming in a current
like a shinning tomato, like someone turning on 60 lamps
in a dark room, like a giraffe dying,
a mango being slice
a head nodding beat
a kookabura chanting at Chancellor Hall
like a pigeon swimming throw the air
like a eye getting smashed by a baseball
like the crowd at a Megadeth concert
a tin full of cookies, a greed toad
with a cricket on it's tongue
like a Boeing 747 from Beijing
like Air China peanuts,
a candle flame flickering, like twenty
burgers being squashed
by sixteen sashimi chefs in a dimly lit restaurant.

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