Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Sweet Like a Crow

Your smile looks like a cow being shoved
into a slaughter house
like somebody who heard the funnest joke
like a fish swimming in a current
like a shinning tomato, like someone turning on 60 lamps
in a dark room, like a giraffe dying,
a mango being slice
a head nodding beat
a kookabura chanting at Chancellor Hall
like a pigeon swimming throw the air
like a eye getting smashed by a baseball
like the crowd at a Megadeth concert
a tin full of cookies, a greed toad
with a cricket on it's tongue
like a Boeing 747 from Beijing
like Air China peanuts,
a candle flame flickering, like twenty
burgers being squashed
by sixteen sashimi chefs in a dimly lit restaurant.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening- Copy Change Poem

Whose muscles these are I think I know.
His biceps are massive, incredibly so;
He will not glipse at me working out
For his triceps are too great for me
He must believe that it is strange
To pause here without any muscles
With droopy triceps and big belly
Around the nearest gym.
He lifts his shirt making me jelly,
And asks why I'm so smelly
A tense quiet follows awaiting my answer
The silent beating of my heart.
The thought of muscles excite me
But to get won't be a cup of tea,
And gotta train for weeks before I'm buff,
And gotta train for weeks before I'm buff.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Red Wheelbarrow- copy change poem

So much depends

A cold can

Covered with frost

Inside the cold

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

      As the Prince of Verona, I am extremely saddened and ashamed by the actions that the members of the Montague and Capulet families took on in my city. This tragic feuding by these two families caused four of my friends that I trusted and loved dearly to lose their lives to these pointless acts of violence.

      As the Prince of Verona, it is my duty and responsibility to ensure that such needless deaths of productive members of our society will never happen again. I will make sure that the pointless feuding of the Montagues and Capulets will end immediately, and if they do not listen I will banish them from Verona forever. I cannot afford to have more members of this city to perish due to some inconsequential and naive fighting.
       Starting from this day I decree that all fighting and all feuding will be outlawed and the guilty families or participants will be punish severely either by fines or in extreme cases like this one, banishment. Marriage will now require only the consent of the partners and not the respective parents as this was also one of the major causes of this tragedy. With this change I hope to create a better society in Verona in which everyone can live in peace and harmony.